Kunshan Vast Gifts Co., Ltd. / the factory established completed policy and procedure on social accountability,Mr. Guo Min / General Manager was the representative and took whole charge of social management affairs in the factory.The factory also established policy with respect to the selection, management and monitoring of its own significant business partners.
The factory established the environment management procedure and had conducted EIA and obtained EIA approval from the local government. The factory had a exhaust gas purification system and all of the air emissions and waste are within regulatory limits. No industrial waste water was discharged in 2021.
The factory made the policy on protection environment and saving water accordingly and trained workers how to reduce energy using and environment protection, related training records were kept in the factory.
The factory established formal policy to prohibit discrimination, harassment and abuse. Discrimination based on grounds of race, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, pregnancy, religion, political affiliation, union membership or marital status was prohibited. And we conduct regular internal audits and training to ensure the avoidance and elimination of discrimination in the workplace.
The factory established management system, two worker representatives were elected by workers on 1 Nov. 2016, the worker representative election records were kept, worker representatives could contact workers voluntary. The worker representatives communicated with factory management regularly. Employees could express any suggestion or complaint through representatives without any retaliation. According to the grievance record, there was no any complaint in 2021.
The factory provided on-board training on workers' right to workers, e.g. job description, working rules. And the factory also had an grievance mechanism: the mechanism consisted of using suggestion boxes and an open door policy on coming up with suggestion directly to workers' supervisor.
The factory established Remuneration Management Procedure. The wages were paid by cash within 30th of every month. Pay slip was provided to employees. The factory paid 150% and 200% of normal wage to employees for overtime work on normal working days and rest days respectively, which complied with local legal requirement. The factory provided paid leaves to all employees.
The factory provided social insurance, including pension insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, work related injury insurance and maternity insurance to all employees. The factory set up wages and benefit paying system, which included paid statutory holidays, sick leave, marriage leave and maternity leave etc, the factory also arranged training course about those policies to all employees.
The factory made a policy of working hours system and controlled working hours. According to the policy and implementation records, workers worked 8 hours per day, 5 days per week. There was only one shift for workers: 08:00-11:30, 12:30-17:00, the factory usually arranged 2 hours' overtime sometimes on weekdays and arranged 8 hours overtime on Sat., no workers worked on Sundays, they had right to choose overtime or not. Workers can take a rest few minutes during the work time when they felt tired. All this processes and implementation can be verified by interview and document review.
The factory had established policy and procedure on health and safety and implement it accordingly. Mr. Guo Min / General Manager was appointed to in charge of health and safety issues, safety training provided to employees regularly. Fire facilities such as fire extinguishers, fire hydrant, fire alarm system, emergency light and exit signs were installed and inspected monthly. Fire drills were conducted twice per year, last drills on 19 July 2021. There were adequate qualified first aiders in the company, and first aid kits were available in each workshop. The company claimed that all personnel have the right to remove themselves from imminent danger without seeking prior permission from the company, which was verified by worker interview. Drinking water was provided freely to all workers.
The factory established program files of No Child Labour and Child Labour Remediation according to national laws and regulations, remediation procedures included dismissal and social reintegration of children, the factory trained this procedure to all employees. Through management interview, workers interview and document review, no child labor was found. The factory manager understood the definition of child labor. Each pre-service employee was required to fill in the entry registration form and provide ID card to verify age, the factory kept personal files of all employees. Confirm with management, they do not employ child labor, they also know how to deal with if child labor found.
The factory established program files of Special Protection for Young Workers according to national laws and trained employees about this procedure. There was no young worker in the factory, the youngest employee in the factory was 20 years old who was born on Sep. 6, 1998 and joined the factory on Dec. 1, 2020.
The factory established program files of No Precarious Employment according to national laws and regulations and trained employees about this procedure. All employees were permanent employees and hired directly by the factory. The factory signed labor contracts with all workers who had been working in the factory more than one month. No illegal item is indicated in the labor contracts. Employees understand the employment relationship between the factory and themselves. No foreign migrant and dispatching worker worked in factory.
The factory established program files of No Bonded Labour; it was according to national laws and regulations. The factory has established all applicable disciplinary procedures in writing and has explained them verbally to workers in clear and understandable terms. Otherwise, the factory provided no bonded labour and disciplinary procedures training, related training records were kept in the factory. Based on document review and workers interview, no inhumane or degrading treatment, corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion and verbal abuse happened in factory.